How to take care of your senior pet.
Pets age just like humans. However, unlike humans, age is not determined just by a number. Age is also not a disease, and overall health status is determined by a multitude of factors such as age, breed, lifestyle, and medical history. Here at Fircrest Vet, we strive to provide the care that your senior pet needs. Most pets are considered senior by the time they reach 7 years of age.
Monitoring the health of your senior pet is essential to longevity. Most often than not your pet may seem perfectly healthy but illnesses may not present themselves right away. Routine monitoring, such as routine bloodwork and diagnostic imaging such as radiographs and/or ultrasound, are essential in protecting the health of your furry friend. Pets age much quicker than we do. 1 year to an animal is 7 years to humans. At Fircrest, we recommend that your senior pet be examined every 6 months to catch any health problems that my arise in between those times.

Vomiting and diarrhea
Loss of appetite
Loss of energy
Painful when moving
Bad breath
Excessive drinking
Excessive urination
Weight loss
Monitor your pet for these symptoms and bring your senior in if you are at all concerned. Here at Fircrest, we strive to provide the most compassionate care we can for your senior pet. We treat all patients as if they were our own. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may be concerned about.